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The department’s task include, in particular, the following:

  • providing legal advice and drafting legal opinions within the scope of Civil Law;
  • preparing and reviewing draft nominate and innominate contracts,
  • representing Clients at the pre-judiciary stage in civil law cases, including, in particular: pre-judicial redress and the conducting of negotiations,
  • representing Clients in judicial proceedings, including, in particular:
  • compensation procedures (pertaining to contract and tort liabilities, as well as non-contractual use of movable and immovable property);
  • usucaption;
  • protection of personal rights;
  • dissolution of co-ownership;
  • division of the inheritance;
  • division of the property jointly owned by the spouses;
  • termination of easement and other procedures.
  • preparing statements of case at all stages of the judicial proceeding (including, inter alia, lawsuits, requests, complaints, appeals)


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The department’s tasks include in particular the following:

  • auditing procedures for the award of public contracts applicable for the Client,
  • providing ongoing legal advice with regard to problems emerging during procurement procedures, also including drafting relevant opinions in this respect,
  • assisting in the preparation of documents necessary to initiate proceedings, including, inter alia, the following:
    • the choice of appropriate procedures;
    • specifying conditions for participation in procurement procedures, tender evaluation criteria,
    • preparing the substantive provisions of agreements,
    • verifying the description of the subject matter of the contract in terms of its compliance with the provisions of the Act on Public Procurement,
    • reviewing the content of the tender notice, etc.,
  • providing comprehensive legal advice to Beneficiaries of the EU funds, including in particular legal advice in matters relating to financial corrections imposed on Beneficiaries of the contracts implemented using the EU funds for an infringement of provisions of the Public Procurement Law, i.e.:
  • preparing a response to post-audit information, final post-audit information, justification of the refusal to sign post-audit information;
    • representing Beneficiaries in administrative and administrative-judicial proceedings pertaining to the return of funds (including also the preparation of appeals, requests for reconsideration, complaints to administrative courts);
    • representing Beneficiaries in civil proceedings regarding the recovery of unduly paid benefits in all instances of proceedings.



Commercial Law Department provides comprehensive services to Clients within the scope of business law in its broadest sense, including trade company law, bankruptcy and reorganization law.

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The Commercial Law Department deals, in particular, with the following:

  • providing legal advice and drafting legal opinions for entrepreneurs as well as individuals and entities starting up businesses;
  • drawing up, negotiating and reviewing contracts;
  • formation of companies, as well as their conversion, division and liquidation;
  • providing ongoing legal services to companies, including minutes of shareholders’ meetings and representing shareholders at shareholders’ meetings;
  • representing Clients at registration proceedings before the National Court Register and Register of Pledges;
  • representing Clients in judicial and administrative cases within the scope of the Business Law;
  • representing Clients in negotiations conducted prior to referral to judicial or administrative proceedings;
  • working together with notary offices in providing legal services in relation to business actions which require the involvement of a notary;
  • working together with tax advisors in implementing legal solutions;
  • offering trainings in Commercial Law.


Labour Law Department deals with labour law, in its broadest sense, both individual and collective. The department’s task is to solve problems and clarify legal uncertainties, taking into account current provisions of law and the clients’ needs.

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Its activities include, in particular, the following:

  • providing legal advice and drafting legal opinions with regard to labour law;
  • drafting and reviewing contracts of employment, including:
  • employment contracts, mandate contract and contract for specific work,
  • non-competition agreements
  • agreements with members of the companies’ boards
  • managerial contracts
  • drawing up company’s internal rules under labour law, including:
  • agreements
  • work regulations
  • remuneration regulations
  • regulations pertaining to company social benefit fund
  • representing Clients at the pre-judicial stage, including, in particular, a comprehensive assessment of the risk related to the conducting of the case and settlement negotiations;
  • representing Clients in judiciary proceedings;
  • drafting responses to post-audit statements of the National Labour Inspectorate;
  • providing legal advice on the company’s restructuring and rationalization of employment;
  • providing legal advice on employment of foreigners in Poland;
  • conducting trainings in labour law, in its broadest sense;
  • reducing excessive absenteeism of employees;
  • implementing labour law procedures;


Penal Law Department provides comprehensive legal assistance within the scope of penal law, in its broadest sense, criminal and other offences as well as disciplinary action.

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The department’s activities include, in particular, the following:

  • providing legal defence to Clients to criminal and other offence charges, including fiscal crime and other fiscal offences;
  • providing legal defence to Clients for disciplinary action cases;
  • setting up avenues for appeals against judgments and convictions;
  • drafting an extraordinary appeal in criminal proceedings;
  • undertaking action at the time of execution of the sentence, including the following:
  • making a request for deferment of the sentence
  • making a request for prison leave
  • making a request for release from prison on parole
  • making a request for granting permission to serve custodial sentence under electronic monitoring;
  • representing the interests of Victims of a criminal or other offence at all stages of the proceedings;
  • assistance in drawing up the notification of the possibility of committing a criminal offence;
  • preparing private and subsidiary prosecution
  • providing legal advice in matters related to penal and disciplinary law, in its broadest sense.


Debt Collection Department provides comprehensive services to our Clients regarding recovery of payments due at the stage of out-of-court settlements and at the judicial and enforcement level. Apart from recovering payments due, the scope of our services also includes preventive measures enabling the Client to be protected against debtor’s irregular payments.

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The department’s activities include, in particular, the following:

  • providing advice and drafting legal opinions with regard to enforcement of debt;
  • conducting creditors’ or debtors’ cases at the the stage of out-of-court settlements and at the judicial and enforcement level;
  • developing effective solutions aimed at the recovery of payments due to the Client;
  • ongoing monitoring of cases at the enforcement level;
  • establishing contact with relevant enforcement bodies;
  • searching for information on debtors for enforcement proceedings;
  • providing technical (accounting) services – monitoring payments;
  • offering training /providing advice with regard to debt collection


Kancelaria Adwokacka BIJAS
ul. Skierniewicka 7A
53-117 Wrocław

tel. 71 781 55 55
fax 71 788 80 77