Wojciech Bijas

Wojciech Bijas

partner: lawyer, Ph. D. in law

Wojciech is a lawyer at the Chamber of Lawyers in Wrocław. He received his doctoral degree from the Department of European Economic Management Law at the Chair of International and European Law (and previously the Research Centre for Legal and Economic Problems of Electronic Communication) at the University of Wroclaw.

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In the Law Firm Bijas he has been working  since 2011.

A multiple scientific-grant holder and one of the best students of the University of Wrocław. Vice-chairman of SKN /Student Scientific Club/ Computer Law Block and member of the Scientific group for criminal proceedings. He is an author of publications on the law of new technologies as well as crime detection and criminology, editor of scientific papers. Wojciech is also an organizer and participant of numerous international and all-Polish conferences devoted, in particular, to the law of new technologies, criminal law and crime detection. Moreover, he has participated in research projects commissioned by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Poland. He acquired his professional title by completing his master’s thesis on obtaining, using and reliability of digital evidence in civil and criminal proceedings.

Wojciech’s work is primary concerned with criminal law, civil law, the law of new technologies and intellectual property rights.


  • „Prywatność w miejscu pracy” [in] ed,. E. Galewska, Wybrane aspekty prawa nowych technologii, Wrocław 2013 r., pp. 17-42. The publication is concerned with employees’ privacy in their workplace. It describes the limits of this privacy, the possibilities of controlling employees, monitoring their work, e-mail, recording video, etc.
  • „Motywy i przyczyny przestępstw komputerowych – typowe czy unikatowe?” [in] ed. E. Galewska, Wybrane aspekty prawa nowych technologii część 2, Wrocław 2014 r., pp. 35-52. This article is on the motives and reasons which drive an offender to committing computer crimes, e.g. financial gain, the wish to impress others, terrorism, political concerns.
  • Co-editor of the publication „Wybrane aspekty prawa nowych technologii”, Wrocław 2013
  • Co-editor of the publication „Wybrane aspekty prawa nowych technologii część 2”, Wrocław 2014

E-mail adress: w.bijas@bijas.pl


Renata Bijas

Renata Bijas


Renata is a graduate of the University of Wrocław, Faculty of Philology: German. She did a part of her studies at Humboldt University in Berlin.

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Since 1990 she has successfully been managing economic entities, including commercial law companies and one-man enterprises engaged in various lines of business.

She has been with the Law Firm BIJAS Jacek Bijas for over 15 years. She is co-founder and co-partner of the Law firm BIJAS, a limited partnership [ Kancelaria Adwokacka BIJAS sp.k], which is the successor to the Law Firm BIJAS Jacek Bijas.  She deals with financial issues and the organisation of the firm. Moreover, having excellent German legal language skills allows her to participate in the work of the firm’s lawyers who provide their service to German-speaking customers.

E-mail adress: r.bijas@bijas.pl

Karolina Bijas

Karolina Bijas


Karolina is a graduate of the University of Wrocław, Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics. She submitted her master’s thesis at the Department of Penal and Exexutive Law. She was admitted as lawyer to the Chamber of Lawyers in Wrocław.

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He provides ongoing services to business entities.

She specializes in criminal law (including penal and fiscal law), civil law, commercial law and family law.

E-mail adress: k.bijas@bijas.pl

Maciej Wiktor Of Counsel

Maciej Wiktor Of Counsel

Legal advisor

Maciej is a graduate of  the University of Wrocław, Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics, in the field of law. He submitted his master’s thesis at Zakład Publicznego Prawa Karnego /IDepartment od Criminal Law/. A legal advisor at the District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Wrocław.

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He is a trainee legal advisor at the Chamber of Legal Advisors in Wrocław. He has been with the Law Firm BIJAS since 2015.

He has developed his experience working at judicial bodies, law firms and law offices. On day-to-day basis, He deals with cases related to  the business  of public utilities department of the city and municipality. 

E-mail adress: dzialumow@bijas.pl

Katarzyna Stręk Of Counsel

Katarzyna Stręk Of Counsel

Statutory auditor

Katarzyna is a graduate of Wrocław University of Economics. She has been working with the Law Firm Bijas as an expert in the field of taxes and accounting since 2012.

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She has multiannual years’ practical experience in the accounts of micro and small enterprises and tax advisory services for micro, small, medium-sized and big enterpreneurs.

Since 2011 she has been working with an audit firm within the scope of financial statements audits, EU audits and tax audits. She gives lectures at courses and trainings organized by the Accountants Association in Poland and by Wrocław University of Economics.

Katarzyna specializes in tax law, with particular emphasis put on tax on goods and services, income tax and corporate tax.

She has won numerous competitions and has been at the top of many rankings in the field of tax law.

She is engaged in tax and legal consulting for the clients of the firm. She cooperates with firm’s lawyers in implementig interdisciplinary tasks that require legal and tax knowledge. In particular, she belongs to teams that are created for the needs of transformation of companies, setting up new economic entities and for transaction executions of a significant financial-economic meaning. She also creates tax and contributive simulations in order to optimize the operating costs.

E-mail adress: k.strek@bijas.pl

Jacek Rajewicz Of Counsel

Jacek Rajewicz Of Counsel

A legal advisor, a specialist in the field of labour law and health and safety at work

Jacek is a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Wrocław and he graduated from his court and legal counsel training.

Since 2005 he has worked with BIJAS law firm.

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He has a long experience as a state labour inspector, chief specialist for health and safety at work. A legal advisor at the District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Wrocław. He also lectures subjects related to the labour law and health and safety at work at universities in Wrocław (in the postgraduate studies).

Marlena Wachnik

Marlena Wachnik

Secretariat Manager

Marlena is a graduate of the University of Physical Education in Wrocław. She has been with the Law Firm Bijas since 2014.

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In previous years she worked in the hotel sector where she managed a team of a dozen people, gaining knowledge and improving her skills.

She supports the employees’ actions, deals with the organisation of legal acts offered by the firm and extending the scope of provided services and public relations of the firm and the firm’s information page, in particular, website administration, editing the firm’s newsletter.

E-mail adress: kancelaria@bijas.pl

Beata Powietrzyńska

Beata Powietrzyńska



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She has been with the Law Firm Bijas since 2015.

She provides ongoing services to Clients and deals with accounting and personnel matters.

E-mail adress: ksiegowosc@bijas.pl

Kancelaria Adwokacka BIJAS sp.k.
ul. Skierniewicka 7A
53-117 Wrocław

tel. 71 781 55 55
fax 71 788 80 77
e-mail: kancelaria@bijas.pl